A purpose-built office with decorative features
arranged over 4 floors (including basement). The
premises was formally occupied by a single
tenant but there is potential for the property to
be subdivided and let on a floor-by-floor basis if
significant alterations were made. There is
secure car parking in the basement via two
separate garages operated by roller shutter
doors which can be accessed via the rear lane for
upto c. 4 vehicles and nearby spaces are available
to let via a separate agreement at c.£1,200 per
annum, per space.
30 Ridgeway Street occupies a prominent central
position with access directly from Ridgeway
Street or Fancy Street, directly opposite the
Douglas Town Hall.
We are instructed to seek offers in the region of
£695,000 for the freehold interest.
Offers are invited for the Leasehold interest in
the region of £70,000 per annum.